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Catch Up!

I have a good excuse for missing the last 2 Saturday updates: I broke my computer. On the April 25th posting, I indicated that we were in Pennsylvania visiting Nancy's Mother. Just four days later I dropped the recliner arm onto the top of my laptop destroying the LCD monitor. The repair took 16 days including 10 wasted days communicating with DELL's technical support people who live somewhere near Mumbai. I got my laptop back yesterday and it's working just fine. So this posting is for catching up.

We were still in Pennsylvania on May 1, which is John Michael's birthday. However, since his party wasn't scheduled until the 8th, we were home in time to drive to Birmingham and enjoy his 4th birthday party-in-the-park. Actually, Nancy stayed in Mark's home with baby Margaret so Jenny could be at the party. The Spiderman cake was good. When no one was looking, I had a second piece.

The next morning Jackson had a T-ball game. Since it was the last game of the season, the team had a bit of a party before the game. Jackson is the third player from the right in the team picture above. Doesn't the coach seem to be extraordinarily happy...glad it's over?

And Margaret is just a few days short of 3 months old in the picture above. She's doing very well. She sleeps right through the noise made by her two brothers. And Nancy says that Meg smiled at her several times during our visit. And I think one of those smiles came on Mother's Day.

May 9 was also our son-in-law's birthday. While we weren't able to be in Arizona to help him celebrate, Treacey did get the full impact of our singing "Happy Birthday" over the telephone. So again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Treacey.

We're back home now, and I think we're going to settle in for a couple months. Although I have not coordinated that last statement with Nancy just yet. We've planted our tomatoes and peppers, the blueberries are almost ready for pickin' and eatin', and if the rain ever stops, we might be able to do a little yard work.