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Nancy spent four days in Birmingham this week so that Mark and Jenny could enjoy their time with our new granddaughter while Grandma took care of big brothers, Jackson and John Michael. At this point only Mark or Jenny are allowed to hold Meg, but we get to at least see her. Nancy took these pictures when she and Jenny visited Meg on Tuesday and can hardly wait to hold Meg herself. Meg is gaining the ounce...and no longer uses that feeding tube that you can clearly see in the top picture. Recall that Meg decided to come into the world on Valentine's Day...nine weeks earlier than expected.

We are all so pleased at Meg's progress and, along with her brothers, are really looking forward to the day when she can come home from the hospital. Nancy is back in Huntsville for a few days but is planning a return to Birmingham in the near future. I guess it's a Grandma thing!

You can get regular updates on Meg and see more pictures at this CaringBridge web site. You'll have to enter your email address before continuing to Meg's site. The WebMaster can use your address to email you when Jenny or Mark post an update.