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Back from Sunny Pennsylvania

We are back from Pennsylvania. Last week we cut our Smoky Mountains vacation short to help Nancy's Mom who had just been released from the hospital in PA. I'm sure you've all read about the major storm that moved into the Northeast last weekend. I posted a picture of the snowfall that greeted us on Saturday morning. That morning Nancy's Mom went back into the hospital because she was having trouble breathing. By Sunday she was doing much better and was released to come home on Monday.

She was doing well enough that we planned to leave on Wednesday, but Mother Nature had another surprise in store for us. The picture above was taken Wednesday morning after another 4 or 5 inches of snow fell. So we waited until Thursday to leave, and we got back into Huntsville yesterday around noon. It's cold here, but no ice or snow.

Nancy continues to talk to her Mom several times a day, and her Mom does appear to be doing much better than in her recent past.