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Jackson's Birthday Party

Our grandson Jackson turned seven last week but celebrated with 11 of his friends today. It was a "backwards" party as explained in Jenny's homemade invitation above. You say you can't read the backwards writing? I included a mirror for you. Just pass your mouse over the invitation. Notice Jackson's cake? Upside down cupcakes with candles on the bottom that spelled Jackson's name...backwards of course. Thanks, Jenny, for the picture.

On the not so joyous side, last week Nancy's Mom was taken to the hospital suffering from a great deal of pain in her lower back, and Nancy felt that she needed to be there to help in the hospital and at home after her Mom was discharged. So on Monday we left for Pennsylvania arriving after noon on Tuesday. Nancy spent most of that day and the next with her Mom, who was eventually discharged late Wednesday. Since I was just in the way in Mom's small apartment, I decided to return to Huntsville leaving Nancy behind with her Mom. I planned to attend Jackson's party this afternoon, but found myself a little under the weather this morning and did not attempt the 2-hour drive to Birmingham. More importantly, Nancy reports that her Mom is resting well and feeling much better.

By the way, we did drive the new Prius to PA and back (1,700 miles), and as advertised got just under 52 miles for each gallon of gasoline.