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Savannah Turns Thirteen!

Last Saturday I wrote: "Thirteen years ago today, Nancy and I became first-time grand-parents, and today our oldest grandchild, Savannah, becomes a teenager. No, we can't imagine where all the days have gone since that birth, but Savannah started out wonderful and keeps getting better. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Savannah. We know you'll be a superstar."

On the following Monday Savannah officially celebrated her birthday with her family and friends. Before they cut the cake, Savannah posed for this picture and emailed it to us. It looks like she had fun decorating the cake, and I was assured that it tasted every bit as good as it looks.

For the last several days we've been reminiscing over the past 13 years and digging around in our photo albums for some of Savannah's earlier pictures. Several we found were too cute not to share. Actually, there were so many cute ones that there just wasn't enough room for all of them. We're not sure if the one on the back of the chair getting ready to whisper into Savannah's ear is an angel or a devil.