May 26, 2007


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A Visit to the Huntsville Botanical Garden

Last Sunday Jenny and Mark brought the kids to Huntsville for a 5-day visit. Mom and Dad returned to Birmingham the next day to start packing for their move into their new house. I'll have more to say about that later in June. We had quite a fun packed week. Every waking moment was full of activities for Jackson (4½, "almost 5") and John Michael (2). We played soccer, baseball, frisbee and rode bikes outside and some inside play too.

On Thursday morning we packed up the van and headed out for the Huntsville Botanical Garden and in particular the butterfly house. The picture above with Nancy and Jackson in the handle of the sprinkling can shows the butterfly house in the background. If you roll your mouse over that picture, you'll see John Michael and me standing behind the falls inside that building. And how incomplete would this trip have been if you couldn't get a butterfly to land on your hand.

After a picnic lunch and some play in the water garden, we returned home. On Friday Jenny picked up the boys, and now everything is way too quiet...