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Nancy's Parents - February 1987

(Nancy) This picture of my parents, Mary and Michael, is one of my very favorite pictures of them. The occasion was their 45th wedding anniversary. I remember thinking then, "Wow, 45 years!!" John and I were married almost 20 years at that time, and 45 years seemed a long way off. But now we're about to celebrate our 40th. Time really does fly.

Dad died shortly after their 50th anniversary in March of 1992, but Mom is doing well and is about to celebrate her 89th birthday (September 8th).

(John) This week itself was rather uneventful in terms of picture taking opportunities. We did do one thing that was unexpected. Thursday morning we, as we often do, went for a walk around the Jones Valley Mall, which is a stone's throw from our home. About 3-quarters of the way around, we came to the Rave Theater. As you may or may not know, Thursday was the first day for the new Harry Potter movie, and we expected large crowds. We went into the lobby to see how many of the 18 theaters were devoted to the new movie and discovered that the next showing was to begin in 5 minutes. Since it was not sold out and nobody was standing in line, we bought tickets. So quite unexpectedly, we saw the new Harry Potter movie on the first day of its release.

Last night we attended a concert by Andrew York, a famous classical guitarist and composer. I'm not sure if listening to him play so well and so effortlessly served as inspiration or discouragement to my playing. I did, however, seem to have an extra good practice this morning.

For the last couple of weeks, I've been making changes to this web site. The most visible ones involved the changes to the Archive and the addition of a High Resolution Gallery. This week I worked on the underlying structure of this page. While I doubt that anyone will notice the difference, your Browser will. While I have no proof, I'm told that the latest software design techniques, which I used, are supposed to be quicker and less prone to errors. Let me know if there's a problem. Thanks.