February 17, 2007


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Visitors from the North

As I said last week, each year in February, Elaine and Karl (Nancy's sister and her husband) escape from the snow and cold of northern Michigan and stop by our house on their way to southern Florida. This year, however, they modified their plans slightly. Earlier in February, Karl drove to Pennsylvania and returned to Michigan with Nancy and Elaine's Mom and Aunt. Last Sunday, the four of them drove to Huntsville. Karl is on the left in the picture above. Next to him is Elaine. Aunt Nina and Nancy's Mom, Mary, are in the center. And next to her Mom is Nancy. And then, on the far right, me.

Yesterday, Karl and Elaine continued on to Florida leaving Nina and Mom with us. We will, in due course, return them to Pennsylvania. But in the mean time we intend to continue enjoying their company. Even though it's been cold here, temperatures in the teens at night, we've had no snow, and everyone has enjoyed themselves.