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A Special Nativity Scene

For most of the western world, Christmas means time off from work, an "opportunity" to decorate the house (inside and out), sending out and receiving Christmas cards, wrapping and exchanging gifts, and spending time with relatives and friends. But the true meaning of Christmas is all about the Nativity story, often remembered in the home with a nativity scene under the tree or on a mantle.

This picture was taken during a telling of the Nativity story by our grandson Jackson's kindergarten class. There are eight 5-year olds in the class, 5 girls and 3 boys. So in this scene we have a girl angel, a girl innkeeper, two girl shepherds, Mary, Joseph, and only enough boys left for 2 kings! Jackson, delightfully portraying Balthasar, is standing on the left in the green robes. The boy behind Jackson was Caspar, which means that all you Melchoir supporters out there should feel slighted.

In any event, we wish each and everyone of our web-site visitors a