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First Day of School

It's that time of the year again; kids returning to school. When I was a kid, we didn't go back to school until after Labor Day. Do you think kids are learning new stuff or does it just take longer to teach them the same old stuff? Anyway, after an all-too-short Summer vacation, our Arizona grandkids, Savannah and Ian, headed back to school on Wednesday, August 8. Savannah, who turned 11 in July, started sixth grade, while 8 year old Ian, is now in third grade. The older of our two Alabama grandkids, Jackson (5), started kinder-garten just this week. Both pictures were taken by their respective Moms, and just in case there's some confusion, Savannah and Ian are on the left and Jackson is on the right.

These three were not the only members of our family tree to return to school. Our daughter Melissa has decided to continue her education toward a degree in graphic design. This week she began classes via the Internet at The Art Institute of Pittsburgh. We are proud of each one of our returning students and wish them the best.

By the way, should you click on this sentence, you'll see a picture sent to us by our art school student. She calls it, "I'm no Andy Warhol". Yes, that is our daughter, Melissa, and she reports that she got an A+ on this self portrait.

Update: I had a good week and continue to feel better each day. Nancy let me out of the house by myself twice on Thursday; once for lunch with former coworkers Jerry and John and a second time to play bridge with Harry.